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Year-Number: 2021-Cilt 6 Sayı 23
Language : null
Konu :
Number of pages: 466-477
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Increasing competitiveness in today's working conditions and labour markets is very important for institutions. The importance of human resources is understood and increasing day by day according to the institutions. Even though there are factors such as capital, profitability, technology, and market conditions in order for corporate companies to sustain their strategic assets, the workforce is the most fundamental power that needs to be used effectively.Institutions that want to maintain their existence should display an appropriate form of management, taking care of the behavior and emotions of individuals. However, above all, employees expect a fair working environment from the institutions they are affiliated with. The frustration experienced by employees whose expectations are not met causes them to develop a negative attitude towards their organizations, which is a significant obstacle to the institutions. Accordingly, this study was conducted on 349 employees working in the information technology sector in Istanbul in 2019 in order to examine the impact of organizational cynicism on the intention to quit. The survey technique, which is a data collection method, was used in the research. At the same time, the data obtained in the study were analyzed using the quantitative analysis method in the SPSS program. As a result of the research, it has been concluded that organizational cynicism has an effect on the intention of quitting the white-collar staff working in the institution.



Increasing competitiveness in today's working conditions and labour markets is very important for institutions. The importance of human resources is understood and increasing day by day according to the institutions. Even though there are factors such as capital, profitability, technology, and market conditions in order for corporate companies to sustain their strategic assets, the workforce is the most fundamental power that needs to be used effectively.Institutions that want to maintain their existence should display an appropriate form of management, taking care of the behavior and emotions of individuals. However, above all, employees expect a fair working environment from the institutions they are affiliated with. The frustration experienced by employees whose expectations are not met causes them to develop a negative attitude towards their organizations, which is a significant obstacle to the institutions. Accordingly, this study was conducted on 349 employees working in the information technology sector in Istanbul in 2019 in order to examine the impact of organizational cynicism on the intention to quit. The survey technique, which is a data collection method, was used in the research. At the same time, the data obtained in the study were analyzed using the quantitative analysis method in the SPSS program. As a result of the research, it has been concluded that organizational cynicism has an effect on the intention of quitting the white-collar staff working in the institution.


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